Kleinst-U-Boot Biber 1/35
The Biber, (Beaver), was a German midget submarine that went into service in 1944. A total of 324 were built but despite the relatively large number of units produced they were not able to pose a significant threat to Allied shipping. Work load for the crewman was high and the Biber was difficult to control.
Lack of trimming tanks added to the handling problems and to top off this fun package a petrol engine was fitted which added carbon dioxide to a rather unhealthy atmosphere inside the Biber. Its range was approximately 100 nautical miles and the Biber could carry two torpedoes or mines.
Length was nearly 9 meters which makes for a nice sized model in 1/35th scale and based on the experiences I had with Italeri’s 1/35th S-boat I have been watching out for this model with keen anticipation