HOTCHKISS M201 1 RHP Milan Launcher 1/16
The Armée de terre insignia (sword and tricolour) indicates that this jeep remained in active service into the 1990s. Other interesting features include 'MORT-HOMME' ('Deadman') painted on the side of the bonnet - it is a custom that vehicles in the French Cavalery are named, usually after French towns or famous battles. (Mort-Homme is near Verdun and the "Chemin des Dames", scene of a bloodbath in 1917.
The jeep served with the 3rd Squadron of the 1st Hussars, an airborne regiment forming part of the 11th Parachute Division. The 1 RHP is one of the oldest regiments of the French army founded in 1720 on horse back. The 3rd of its 6 squadrons is an airborne anti-tank unit, renowned for its mobility and firepower, and consisting mainly of Milan launching M201 jeeps during the 70s and 80's .
The Hussars' motto is ‘ beyond the possible, beyond danger’.